
Battle Of Bull Run Picnic


First Battle of Balderdash Run (July 21, 1861)

The Background:

Background of Balderdash Run Battle is that, the Amalgamated commanders were generals Joseph E. Johnston and P. G. T. Beauregard. Johnston, the highest-ranking U.S. Army general to join the Confederacy, was a Virginian, a West Pointer, and would testify himself the near good retreater in Confederate service. If there were a decoration for "Retreater-in-Chief with Oak Leaf Cluster," he would accept deserved it. The Louisiana-born Beauregard was a man of many talents. He designed the Confederate boxing flag, he was an engineer who had graduated second in his class at West Point, and he was the shortest-lived superintendent in the history of West Bespeak, serving all of v days (23 to 28 January 1861) before information technology became apparent that having a Amalgamated in accuse of grooming officers for the Wedlock might be a error.

Against the Confederates was mustered the largest army ever seen on the North American continent. Under the command of Full general Irvin McDowell, another Due west Pointer, an Ohioan whose buckeye horizons had been broadened past a French education, was the Union army of Northeastern Virginia (which became the more famous Army of the Potomac). The Federal troops were inexperienced, just gaily dressed—some every bit French-Moroccan Zouaves, others equally imitation Highlanders—and Lincoln was eager to see them put into activeness. And then were civilians from Washington who turned out to picnic and lookout man the battle. They were given a heck of a bear witness.

The Battle of Bull Run:

McDowell'due south men struck the Confederates on the hot, humid morning of 21 July 1861, and steadily pushed dorsum the Amalgamated left until Due south Carolina Full general Bernard Bee saw, over the ridge of Henry Hill, Full general Thomas Jonathan Jackson's Virginians waiting to repel the Federals. Bee rallied his men with the cry: "There is Jackson standing like a rock wall! Let us decide to die here and nosotros will conquer! Follow me!"ii At least that's how he's sometimes quoted. The National Park Service prefers: "There stands Jackson like a stone wall. Rally behind the Virginians," which certainly has a amend ring to it. And there are some ignoble fellows who believe Bee'due south bodily sentiment was: "In that location'southward Jackson standing similar a dadburned rock wall! Why the heck doesn't he exercise something!"

In fact, Jackson's bayonets thwarted the blue-abdomen tide.

Hit on both flanks (William Tecumseh Sherman was hitting the Confederate correct), the lines reformed around Jackson, who coolly appraised the enemy and intended to "give them the bayonet." Amalgamated artillery proved useful too, as did musketry and saber thrusts. Jackson forced the federals dorsum with a ferocious charge, just a sort of encarmine equilibrium had been reached with the Federal and Confederate lines receiving continuous reinforcements. Finally, in the afternoon, the Yankees heard a banshee insubordinate yell piercing through the reverberating gunfire; then they saw Confederate Colonel Jubal A. Early on'due south men peachy into their right flank. Stunned and wearied, the Federals fell back, and at the prodding of Confederate artillery, the retreat accelerated until it become a pell-mell Federal flight to the capital—soldiers with their rifles and packs; civilians with their picnic baskets.

What You Need to Know well-nigh Balderdash Run:

At the end of the boxing, President Jefferson Davis rode to Henry Hill, where Confederate wounded, including Jackson, were beingness treated, and ordered: "I am President Davis! All of yous who are able follow me back to the field!" Davis, who always preferred to ride to the audio of the guns, wanted to have his commander in master responsibilities rather more literally than almost presidents. The wounded "Stonewall" Jackson was game. He said: "Give me ten thousand men and I will accept Washington tomorrow."

Merely rain began to fall, mud began to course, and libation—and wronger— heads thought that the dispersed and tired Confederates needed to residual and reform, not harry the retreating Yankees. In ane way, it didn't matter. If shocking the N was the intention, the North was well and truly shocked. The Northern war of aggression would be no picnic. In another more important way information technology did matter. What would have been the effect had Stonewall Jackson ridden into Washington and captured Honest Abe at gunpoint? One can only wonder whether the North wouldn't have said to the Southern states, "Er, gosh, sorry for the invasion of Virginia. Why don't we call this whole state of war matter off? Oh, and may we have our president back?"

Abraham Lincoln believed that the Civil War would exist over in a few months, with the Union Ground forces marching on Richmond by late 1861. Both sides hastily assembled armies and Brig. Gen. Irvin McDowell led his unseasoned Union Army across Bull Run against the every bit inexperienced Amalgamated Ground forces of Brig. Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard. The Confederates won a surprise victory, peculiarly due to the efforts of Stonewall Jackson, and routed the Union. Both sides dug in their heels for a long war ahead.

Groundwork to Bull Run and the Boxing

  • Early armed forces preparations
      1. General Winfield Scott, the U. S. General-in-Chief, develops an overall strategy to win the state of war.  The press dubbs it the "Anaconda Plan."
      2. Both sides hastily attempt to assemble armies.  Most of the recruits take fiddling or no military feel.  Full general Irvin McDowell is put in command of the Union troops near Washington. McDowell has been an army officer for over twenty years, just has never commanded troops in gainsay.
      3. Many northern journalists and politicians need that Lincoln send an army to put downwards the rebellion ASAP.  "On to Richmond!" becomes a rallying weep.
      4. McDowell tells Lincoln he needs more time to train, maxim "My men and I are light-green and have little experience." Lincoln replies "You are dark-green, information technology is truthful; but they are greenish, besides; you are dark-green alike."
      5. The Union sends ii armies into northern Virginia.  One, under McDowell, has 35,000 men and is deployed just south of Washington to protect the capital.  The other, with xviii,000 men under 69-twelvemonth old Gen. Robert Patterson, camps in the Shenandoah Valley (60 miles to the northwest of McDowell's regular army—do a quick overview of Virginia geography).
      6. Opposing Patterson'south army in the Shenandoah is a force of 12,000 men nether General Joseph T. Johnston, while McDowell is confronted past an ground forces of 20,000 under P. Thou. T. Beauregard, the hero of Ft. Sumter.
  • Preliminaries to the Battle
      1. McDowell slowly marches his regular army toward Beauregard.  His goal was to cut the crucial railroad junction at Manassas and then march on to Richmond.
      2. Beauregard retreats to Manassas (Balderdash Run), where he could protect the railroad and the road to Richmond. Manassas is just 25 miles southwest of Washington.
      3. Beauregard deployed his army forth a vi-mile wide line nigh a creek chosen Balderdash Run. He sends a telegram to Johnston request him to send reinforcements to Manassas.
      4. Many of Washington's high society get out to watch the battle.  Many take picnic baskets and look a quick Union victory.
      5. McDowell sent a division to probe the Confederate defenses near Blackburn'southward Ford, near the Amalgamated right (the east side of the battlefield).  They were repulsed past a Confederate brigade nether James Longstreet. (Fun Fact: Longstreet was assisted past Colonel Jubal Early on). McDowell decides to try to cross the stream elsewhere.
      6. Meanwhile, in the Shenandoah Valley, Joseph Johnston'southward ground forces slips away from the Spousal relationship Regular army under Patterson.  Johnston's troops board track cars headed for Manassas (Bull Run), in club to reinforce Beauregard. (This is the first fourth dimension troops were rushed to a battle by track).  Now the two armies near Manassas will be at equal strength.
    1. Excursus: Common Ceremonious War Armed forces Terms
      1. Infantry, cavalry, and artillery.
      2. Infantry and cavalry units
        1. Company: 100 men commanded by a helm
        2. Regiment: 1000 men commanded by a colonel (10 Companies)
        3. Brigade: 4000 men under a brigadier general (four regiments)
        4. Sectionalization: 16,000 men nether a major general (4 brigades)
        5. Corps: 48,000 men (roughly) nether a major general (3 corps, sometimes more than)
        6. Regular army: Two or more corps plus supporting artillery and cavalry (100,000 or so men)
        7. These are outset "on paper" strengths, simply they became increasingly smaller throughout the war, as casualties were not replaced.
      3. Union, Confederate, Rebel, Yankee, Bluecoat, Greycoat, Federal.
      4. Volunteers vs Regular Army
  • July 21, 1861: Morning
      1. On July 21, McDowell sends several brigades to the Stone Bridge beyond the creek (on the Amalgamated left, or the westward side of the battle).  Their job is to keep the Confederates busy while several other brigades go around the Amalgamated left in a flanking maneuver.
      2. These troops, inexperienced and exhausted from several days' marching, brand information technology to Sudley Springs, to the due west of the Confederates and backside them.
      3. A group of Confederates larn of the Federals' attempted flanking maneuver and rush to finish them.  The 2 forces see at Matthew's Hill. Despite being greatly outnumbered, the Confederates attack the bluecoats.
      4. Both sides blitz more forces to the battle lines.  One Amalgamated brigade is led by General Barnard Bee.
      5. The Federals ultimately have many more men and cannon, simply the Rebels agree them for 2 hours until they are finally forced to retreat to Henry Loma (to the east of Matthew's Hill).  McDowell rides amid his troops crying "Victory! Victory!"
  • July 21, 1861: Afternoon
      1. The Confederates reform on the back slope of Henry Colina.  There they are joined by a brigade under Full general Thomas Jackson. (Background on Jackson)
      2. Jackson's troops are fresh and take a large number of cannon.  Full general Bee finds Jackson and tells him "General, they are beating us dorsum!" Jackson calmly replies "Sir, we volition give them the bayonet."
      3. The Union ground forces, still on Matthew's Colina, delays for two hours, so moves to assault the Confederates on Henry Hill.  But the assail is piecemeal, with just a few regiments attacking at a time.
      4. 11 Union cannon crews take up positions on both sides of the Henry House, which is on the top of the hill and in which an 84-year-old widow Judith Henry lies on her deathbed.
      5. The Matrimony artillery are decimated by their Confederate counterparts.
      6. Union infantry move in merely are driven off by Confederate cavalry nether J. E. B. Stuart.
      7. Amalgamated infantry set on the Wedlock cannon.  Jackson tells his men to "yell similar furies!" (This is the origin of the "Rebel Yell.") Union infantry rush to meet them, and the fighting goes back and along.
      8. The Rebels, continually reinforced with fresh troops from Johnson'south regular army, gradually gain the upper mitt and button back the bluecoats.
      9. Federal reinforcements go far, but it is besides piffling too late.  The Confederates are flanking them and apace pushing them down the hill.
      10. The Federals retreat, cross back over Sudley Ford and the Stone Span, and retreat toward Washington.  The disorganized Confederates chase them, and the Federal retreat largely turns into a rout (define that).  Many of the civilians from Washington go caught in the retreat.
      11. Jefferson Davis arrives on the field and urges the army to pursue the Federals. But the Confederates are likewise disorganized and exhausted to pursue the Federals very far.
  • Outcome and Consequences
      1. Balderdash Run (or Manassas) was the bloodiest battle in American History up to that time.
      2. Union casualties totaled 2700, including approximately 500 killed, 1000 wounded, and 1200 captured or missing.
      3. Confederate casualties totaled about 2000, including near 400 killed, 1600 wounded, and 10 captured or missing.
      4. The Union army ends up demoralized and dorsum in Washington, where they will have to regroup and undergo much training.
      5. Both sides now realized their opponents were determined to fight and would be no pushover.  The war would be much more than deadly and longer than was originally believed.
      6. The South sees it every bit vindication for secession and proof that their soldiers were superior to the Yankees.
  • Trivia / Human being Interest
    1. Neither side had standardized uniforms.  Some Confederates wore bluish, while some Federals wore gray, red (Zouaves), or even plaid.  Some men had to wear noncombatant clothes. This led to confusion, with units of one side beingness mistaken for the other side, and even "friendly burn."
    2. The North called it the Battle of Bull Run (after the nearest body of water), and the S called information technology the Battle of Manassas (later on the nearest town)
    3. Generals McDowell and Beauregard were classmates at W Bespeak, and before the state of war, he briefly served in nether Joseph Johnston (so a ground forces officer).
    4. Before McDowell marched toward Manassas, he fabricated his headquarters in Arlington, VA, in Robert E. Lee's home, which later became the site of Arlington National Cemetery.
    5. Judith Henry, the widow who owned the house, was killed past Federal arms and her house was destroyed.  (The Confederates had set a sharpshooter nest in the 2nd floor of the firm).
    6. Wilmer McLean Story  (Beauregard: "A comical upshot of this artillery fight was the destruction of the dinner of myself and staff by a Federal beat out that fell into the burn down-identify of my headquarters at the McLean Firm.")

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